Tartufi Magici Hollandia


La psilocybe Hollandia è una delle nostre specie più famose. Questi noduli radicali molto forti ottengono un punteggio pieno di 5 punti: sono in cima alla nostra classifica. Una confezione da 15 grammi è sufficiente per due forti viaggi: ideale per un'esperienza con il vostro migliore amico. Potrete condividere indescrivibili emozioni di euforia, vicinanza, solidarietà e pensieri creativi.

19,99 € tasse incl.
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Peso: 15 grammi 19,99 €
  • Peso: 15 grammi 19,99 €
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Tartufi Magici Hollandia: Con amore dai Paesi Bassi



La psilocybe Hollandia ha un effetto molto forte: si tratta di una delle due specie più forti ad ottenere pieno punteggio sulla nostra scala da 1 a 5. Con la varietà di tartufi magici Hollandia proverete, probabilmente, un'esperienza allucinatoria, se avrete il coraggio di assumerne una dose sufficiente. Ma anche ad un basso dosaggio potrete avvertire le "onde" attraversare il vostro corpo, quando l'effetto comincerà a farsi sentire. I vostri sensi si affineranno (i vostri occhi potrebbero vedere fin troppo, a dire il vero),i pensieri creativi vi sveleranno il loro potenziale e insorgerà la sensazione di essere un tutt'uno con la natura. Gli effetti possono variare enormemente da persona a persona e non si possono prevedere perché dipendono da predisposizione personale e sviluppo delle circostanze.


Un bel momento con gli amici o la sapienza degli antichi mistici con una sola occhiata al nostro calcolatore di dosaggio dal facile utilizzo.

Calcolatore di dosi per funghi magiciCalcola

Nota: Tutti i nostri tartufi allucinogeni sono freschi e possono essere conservati in frigorifero per un massimo di due mesi. Una volta aperti, utilizzare entro due giorni.

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Recensioni (1443)
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    Niet veel effect

    J. V.

    J'ai mange les 15g et j'ai pas eu des effets

    A. L.

    Super trip
    Une de me préféré après les vahalla, très bonne experience je recommande

    K. D.

    Rapide et efficace

    M. L.

    Pas d'effet
    J'ai testé plusieurs chose dans ma vie,LSD,champignon mais ça c'est vraiment nul,nul,nulvous aller juste perdre de l'argent.

    R. B.

    Cette fois c'est validé !
    Après un test des truffes Utopia non concluant pour 7,5gr consommé, cet essai aura été le bon ! Prise de 15gr/personne des truffes Hollandia, nous avons eu de nombreux effets visuels (motifs psychédélique ressemblant aux mosaïques présent en nord-Afrique, déformations des formes comme le plafond qui ondule, couleurs amplifiées et lumières très scientillantes) et la notion d'espace temps était complètement différente avec l'impression de vivre plusieurs heures dans pleins d'univers différents sur une plage horaire réelle de seulement quelques minutes. Prise des truffes par lemon tek très efficace et plutôt rapide en ayant été à jeun toute la journée, mal de ventre lors de la digestion tout de même.

    E. M.

    Satisfaction +++
    Zamnesia gives me new hope in customer service. Efficient, fast and always with relevant solutions and advice. This world lacks people who take their job to heart and for whom customer satisfaction is of real importance. Go with your eyes closed, the team is really top-notch ! MANY THANKS TO ALL Manon

    B. H.

    Salut à vs tous , avec Les champes UTOPIA le delire est pas mal et suffissament FORTE ASSEZ POUR DECOLLER, vraiment forte ,mes le fait d'avoir planer et o point de ne plus rien comprendre et bien mwa n'aime pas trop , alors ,je prend c truffes là , les penser sont distordue

    F. D.

    Great to dance
    Tried out a Lemon Tek with 15g. Didn't grind them properly though since there were still some small pieces left that I had to chew in the end. I also took only one lemon instead of 2-3... Honestly it was hard enough to get it down with one . 22:00: Ate a big handful of Cashews+ some chocolate to get rid of the taste after. It still took 20-30 minutes for the trip to reach full strength. This time I had prepared the Shaman CD ( music only) since Videos didn't work well before. Decided to dance and not lie down despite the heaviness and urge to rest under a warm blanket... Good decision. It was great to dance, as if I could just embody the melody perfectly. The scenery unfolded automatically by itself, even more so behind closed eyes. The nausea was there but could be suppressed by concentrating on the music. I also kept having chills, even when I started sweating... Feeling cold is somehow always there with the truffles, but it can be ignored. Every song was like its own world. After 4 songs it felt like hours had passed.... Then came my favorite, a very energetic one that always just makes me wanna jump to it - it was amazing: I really wanted to shout along, I could go all out and it was like my brain was gonna explode from happiness - put the song on repeat .. So it is possible to dance on shrooms after all - and it's really worth it. Even though I couldn't work away my back pain fully, it was a lot better the next day. When I decided to sit down, then lie down, I kept seeing the music for a while... Then I was several times startled by a new song beginning, when I finally realized I was falling asleep. It was only 0:40 a.m.. So I went to bed but tried to stay awake longer since the trip was still quite strong... But my energy level was totally at zero - No choice, I had to give up and sleep.

    C. R.

    Aucune hallucination, mais de nombreux fou rires, par contre il vaut mieux avoir deux sachets pour 2 personnes pour ressentir pleinement les effets

    J. B.
    Non puoi lasciare una recensione perché non hai acquistato questo prodotto
Domande (1)
Benjoujou 2021-06-07 12:52:21

Les truffes sont fraîches ou séchées ?


Hi Benji, The truffles we sell are fresh indeed!

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Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
Tartufi Magici Hollandia
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